Posts tagged angkor
Golden Temple Residence - Siem Reap, Cambodia

It’s inevitable. When you return from a trip, friends always ask where was your favorite place you visited. Usually I don’t have a favorite and struggle with this answer because generally I like everywhere I visit. During this past trip, sure I absolutely loved so many of the stops on my trip, but I do have a favorite. My absolute favorite place I visited was Cambodia.

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Guide to the Temples of Angkor

I didn’t realize this before going to Siem Reap, but Angkor Wat is only one temple that makes up the Angkor, Siem Reap area. In actuality there are approximately 50 temples and they all have different names. Angkor Wat is the most famous which why is easy to make that mistake. Although the phrase Angkor Wat does literally mean city of temples in the native Khmer language.

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