Guide to the Temples of Angkor

I didn’t realize this before going to Siem Reap, but Angkor Wat is only one temple that makes up the Angkor, Siem Reap area. In actuality there are approximately 50 temples and they all have different names. Angkor Wat is the most famous which why is easy to make that mistake. Although the phrase Angkor Wat does literally mean city of temples in the native Khmer language.

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The Quincy Hotel - Singapore

If you’ve read my blog before, you know I’m a sucker for pretty places with great design. The Quincy hotel is no exception. Literally every inch of the Quincy is fabulous and stylish. Each detail is so well designed and thought through. I mean, when you just see the hotel building from the outside, you can’t help but admire its design.

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6 Can't Miss London Sights

Whenever I visit a new place I always google “points of interest”. These are always the most iconic and famous sights that that particular location is known for. I like to know what a city is known for. Sure, finding hole-in-the-wall places and things off the beaten track are fun, but if you've never been to that city, you gotta see the classics.

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